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Dentistry, Health, Oral Health

Top 4 Indicators That You Need A Root Canal Treatment

Your natural teeth are precious, and so your dentist treats them with special care. No artificial tooth could equal the strength and function of each of your teeth. That’s why dentists would not resort to tooth removal although there’s a presence of an infection. They perform root canal therapy to preserve your compromised tooth.

At this moment, you’re assuring yourself that you’re doing a good job in maintaining an oral care regimen. A tooth infection is the last thing that would pop up in your mind. However, lately, you’ve been bothered by sharp pain when you drink hot or cold drinks. At times, you also notice that your gums easily bleed when you brush or floss. Now you’re starting to think, is it time for you to undergo a root canal procedure?

Four strong indicators that you need a root canal therapy

Having to go through a dental procedure is always risky because complications may arise. On one hand, avoiding dental treatments will only lead to severe dental diseases and oral problems. Staying on top of your dental health doesn’t mean you have to run away from any kind of treatment. In fact, you have to face it head-on and deal with it as soon as possible. There are four strong indicators to help you determine that you need to undergo a root canal treatment.

Recurring pimples on the gums

Pimples or gum boils are abscesses that develop on your gums and they appear as swollen bumps. They are caused by a bacterial infection from food particles, tooth decay, or plaque. In rare cases, a gum boil is also a sign of oral cancer.

There are three types of a gum boil, depending on its location:

  • A gingival abscess is a bump on the gum line.
  • A periapical abscess is a gum boil showing at the end of the tooth root.
  • A periodontal abscess is a bump found in the supporting tissues of your tooth.

When you have recurring gum boils, it’s best to see your dentist and have it treated immediately. He will perform either deep dental cleaning or a root canal procedure to deal with the infection. It’s vital to address it immediately before it can be life-threatening when the infection spreads through your bones and bloodstream.

After the dental treatment, you also have to do your work at home to ensure these bumps won’t resurface. Here are some best practices that you can include in your daily oral habits.

  • Gargle with a saltwater rinse.
  • Swish with an oral antiseptic after you brush and floss.
  • Rinse your mouth with garlic juice.
  • Apply clove oil on the gum line with bumps.

Severe toothache

You feel a throbbing toothache because the nerves in the roots of your tooth are irritated. A severe toothache occurs because the central part of your tooth called the pulp is inflamed. The pulp houses the nerve endings which are sensitive to pain. Pulpitis or the inflammation of the pulp are caused by dental cavities, an infection, or trauma.

In this case, you need root canal therapy to remove the infection from the inside of your tooth pulp. Your dentist needs to access the central portion of your tooth, remove the roots and disinfect them before placing them back. This is a win-win resolution to end your dental pain. The tooth infection is remedied and you also save your tooth from being removed altogether.

Swollen gums

There are multiple causes that lead to your swollen gums. It could be due to your rigid brushing and flossing, tobacco use, gum disease, or an abscessed tooth.

Red and inflamed gums are indications that you have gum disease. This often stems from poor dental hygiene and not seeing your dentist regularly. If it’s in an early stage, it’s called gingivitis and is easily reversed when you improve your oral habits. Periodontitis is an advanced gum disease that needs immediate to prevent tooth loss and gum recession. An abscessed tooth needs to be checked by your dentist for him to determine the underlying causes of infection. A root canal procedure is the recommended treatment for this dental case.

To prevent swollen gums, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and be easy when you brush your teeth and gums. Also, to maintain healthy gums, quit smoking. This bad oral habit contradicts every good oral care practice you do daily. It keeps you from maintaining fresh breath and healthy gums.

Teeth sensitivity

You may have ditched on eating ice cream or sipping your steaming hot coffee because of a tooth twinge. Even when your tooth is exposed to air or even to acidic and sweet food. If this occurs more often, then you have to discuss it with your dentist at once. Though the pain is temporary, however, your dentist needs to diagnose it properly on what’s causing this sensitivity.

Is it a cracked tooth? Is it due to receding gums or bacterial infection?

Determining the root cause of tooth sensitivity is vital to full recovery. See your dentist so he can take a dental X-ray and discuss with you his best dental treatment plan. Endodontic treatment may be needed when it’s due to an infection in your root canals. Disinfecting the tooth canals will completely eliminate the problem. If it’s due to gum recession, a surgery called gum graft is performed to address the issue. Talk to your endodontist now and put an end to tooth sensitivity.

Is root canal therapy necessary?

Certainly! Endodontic treatment is necessary to resolve dental pain caused by the infection. It is the only process where the dentist removes the infected or diseased part of your tooth. Furthermore, it removes the nerves of your severely damaged tooth. To simply put it, this is your only option to retain your natural tooth. If you delay in going through this procedure, the dentist’s next option might be tooth removal. In effect, you will need a tooth restoration such as an implant or crown to prevent your teeth from shifting. This would add another cost to your dental bill aside from going through more complex dental procedures. Better yet, choose to be free from tooth pain and act now! Have your dentist check your aching tooth and let him help you save it.

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Sharky Liu is the founder and CEO of DentistFind, a results-driven dental marketing platform and marketing service that applies an analytical and data-based approach to increase new patient acquisition for dental practices. 

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