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Woman takes a special mouthguard from hands of an orthodontist

Dental health

From Bruxism To Sports: Why You Need A Mouthguard | Markham

Participating in sports and physical activities is an excellent way to maintain a healthy lifestyle, both mentally and physically. However, engaging in sports also comes with potential risks, especially to the oral region. Dental injuries, including broken or knocked-out teeth, are all too common in sports. Fortunately, mouthguards in Markham offer a crucial line of defense to help keep our teeth safe during these activities.


How mouthguards keep teeth safe during sports

Sports, even seemingly non-contact ones, carry inherent risks of dental injuries. Accidental collisions falls, or direct blows to the face can cause significant harm to the teeth and surrounding structures. These injuries can result in broken teeth, jaw fractures, or even tooth loss, leading to not only physical pain but also emotional and financial burdens.



A mouthguard is a protective device that covers the teeth and gums to cushion and shield them from potential injuries. These devices are usually made of a soft plastic material that can be custom-fitted to a patient’s mouth. When in proper use, a mouthguard acts as a shock absorber, dispersing and dissipating the force of an impact to reduce the risk of dental injuries.



There are three primary types of mouthguards  in Markham:


1. Stock

Stock sport guards are pre-made and come in a standard size. They are the least expensive option but tend to be bulky and provide limited protection due to their poor fit.


2. Boil-and-bite

These mouthguards in Markham are made from a thermoplastic material that softens when boiled. After softening, the wearer bites into it, allowing the guard to adapt to the shape of their mouth. Although better fitting than stock mouth protectors, they may still be uncomfortable and less effective than custom-fitted ones.


3. Custom-fitted

A dentist or a dental professional individually designs and fabricates custom mouthguards in Markham. They offer the best fit, comfort, and protection since they are tailored to the specific structure of the wearer’s mouth. While slightly more expensive, their effectiveness in preventing dental injuries justifies the investment.


Benefits for sports

Here are some benefits of mouthguards  in Markham and how they help safeguard your smile:


1. Protection against dental injuries

Guards act as a cushion and barrier, absorbing and distributing the force of an impact, reducing the risk of broken teeth, soft tissue injuries, and fractures.


2. Prevention of concussions

They can also contribute to reducing the risk of concussions by absorbing shock and preventing the lower jaw from impacting the upper jaw during a collision.


3. Preservation of dental health

By protecting your teeth from trauma, mouthguards in Markham help maintain your oral health, avoiding costly dental procedures and preserving the natural structure of your teeth.


Making the right choice

Considering the potential risks associated with sports, investing in a mouthguard is a small price to pay for safeguarding your dental health. Custom-fitted sportsguards, in particular, offer the most optimal protection and comfort. Consult with your Markham family dentist to determine the best type of mouthguard for your needs and ensure it fits perfectly.


How mouthguards protect your teeth from bruxism

Bruxism, the involuntary grinding or clenching of teeth, affects millions of people worldwide. It’s a condition that often occurs during sleep, leading to potential damage to teeth, jaw, and overall oral health. Thankfully, there’s a simple yet highly effective solution: mouthguards. These small but powerful devices play a crucial role in protecting your teeth and alleviating the adverse effects of bruxism.


What is bruxism?

Before we discuss mouth protectors, let’s take a moment to understand what bruxism is and why it’s a concern. Bruxism involves the excessive clenching or grinding of teeth, typically during sleep but also occasionally during waking hours. The causes can vary from stress and anxiety to misaligned teeth or an abnormal bite. The act of grinding or clenching exerts significant pressure on the teeth and jaw. Over time, this can lead to a range of problems, including:

  • Tooth wear and damage: The constant grinding can wear down the enamel, leading to tooth sensitivity, fractures, and even the eventual loss of teeth.
  • Jaw pain and headaches: Bruxism often causes jaw pain, headaches, and muscle soreness, impacting your quality of life.
  • TMJ disorders: The temporomandibular joint (TMJ), responsible for jaw movement, can be strained or damaged due to bruxism. This can result in discomfort and difficulty in opening or closing your mouth.


Mouthguards for bruxism

Mouthguards, also known as night guards or occlusal guards, are custom-made oral devices that serve as a protective barrier for your teeth and jaw. They are typically from soft or hard materials and are worn over the teeth during sleep to prevent contact between the upper and lower teeth. Here’s how nightguards protect your teeth from the damaging effects of bruxism:


  1. Cushioning effect

Guards provide a soft cushioning layer between your upper and lower teeth. When you clench or grind your teeth, the force is absorbed by the mouthguard, reducing the impact on your teeth and preventing excessive wear.


  1. Even the distribution of pressure

By creating a barrier and distributing the pressure evenly, mouth protectors help prevent the concentrated force of grinding on specific teeth. This aids in preserving the integrity of your teeth and avoiding localized damage.


  1. Preventing jaw and muscle strain

They also help in positioning your jaw in a way that reduces strain on the muscles. This can mitigate the jaw pain and headaches associated with bruxism, improving your overall comfort and well-being.


  1. Protecting TMJ

The cushioning and pressure distribution provided by nightguards can help protect the TMJ from excessive pressure, reducing the risk of developing TMJ disorders or exacerbating existing ones.


  1. Preserving dental work

For patients with dental restorations like crowns or bridges, bruxism can be particularly damaging. Occlusal guards help safeguard these investments by preventing premature wear and damage.


Take away

A mouthguard is a fundamental piece of protective gear that every athlete, regardless of age or skill level, should consider using. By providing a barrier between potential impacts and your teeth, mouthguards in Markham play a vital role in ensuring your dental safety during sports, allowing you to fully enjoy the benefits of physical activity without unnecessary risks to your oral health.

Furthermore, by providing a protective layer, distributing pressure, and promoting proper jaw alignment, guards offer a proactive way to preserve your teeth and alleviate the negative effects of grinding. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist in Markham and invest in a mouthguard to safeguard your smile for years to come.


Getting custom mouthguards in Markham

To obtain a mouthguard that fits perfectly and offers the best protection, it’s crucial to consult your dentist in Markham. They will assess your condition, take impressions of your teeth, and create a custom mouthguard tailored to your mouth’s unique shape and structure. A well-fitted mouthguard ensures optimal effectiveness and comfort during use. Visit or call Forestbrook Dental for quality and effective mouthguards. 

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About DentistryEd

Sharky Liu is the founder and CEO of DentistFind, a results-driven dental marketing platform and marketing service that applies an analytical and data-based approach to increase new patient acquisition for dental practices. 

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