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dental emergency Markham

Dental health

Practical Tips To Avoid Dental Emergency In Markham

A dental emergency can be alarming and stressful. However, with proper knowledge and preparation, you can handle a dental emergency in much better ways. When faced with a dental emergency, remain calm and take the necessary steps to protect your dental health. Your Markham dentist can help you, so it’s best to contact them right away. 

What is a dental emergency? 

This is a medical condition that requires immediate attention by a dental professional. Dental emergency can be caused by a variety of events. According to the Markham dentist, this includes physical trauma, abscesses, tooth decay, broken oral appliances, and severe oral pain. If you experience a dental emergency, seek immediate attention from a qualified dental professional.


Immediate attention is especially important for people with underlying medical conditions. Typical signs of a dental emergency includes severe pain, swelling, bleeding, infection, and a broken tooth or appliance. Seeking immediate attention from a qualified Markham dental professional is the best way to ensure safe and successful treatment. 

Types of dental emergencies 

The most common types of dental emergency include:

  • Broken or chipped teeth, 

  • Severe toothache,

  • Tooth injury,

  • Bleeding from the mouth,

  • Swelling or inflammation of the gums,

  • Abscesses, or injuries to the soft tissues of the mouth, 

  • Difficulty swallowing,

  • Loose or lost teeth.


Other less common types of dental emergency include: 

  • Avulsed teeth, 

  • Cracked fillings, 

  • Loose crowns, 

  • Jaw or facial pain.


It is important to seek dental care immediately if you are experiencing any of these issues. A qualified dental professional in Markham can provide the necessary care to restore the health and function of the affected teeth and gums. Furthermore, prompt treatment may help reduce the risk of infection and further damage to the teeth and gums. It is essential to take action as soon as possible to prevent further complications.

Causes of dental emergencies

Numerous factors may lead to dental emergencies. Common causes of dental emergency in Markham include: 

  • Tooth pain, 

  • Infection, 

  • Facial trauma, 

  • Broken or cracked teeth, and 

  • Abscesses. 

  • Cavity,

  • Knocked-out tooth, 

  • A fractured tooth, or gum disease can cause tooth pain.


Tooth decay, gum disease, or abscess can cause infections. An accident, sports injury, or a fall can cause facial trauma. Chewing on hard objects, biting down on something too hard, or grinding your teeth can lead to teeth breakage or crack. Tooth infection or gum disease can lead to abscesses. Seeking emergency dental care if you experience any of these issues is important.

Tips for dealing with dental emergencies

It is important to be prepared in the event of a dental emergency. A few tips include:


  • Having a dentist’s contact information readily available, 

  • Avoid eating hard or sticky foods, 

  • Minimize swelling by applying a cold compress to the impacted region.

  • Additionally, it is important to seek professional help as soon as possible. 


If a tooth has been knocked out, try to find the tooth and store it in milk or a sterile saline solution until you can get to the dentist. If a toothache is present, do not use aspirin, as this can cause additional damage. Over-the-counter medication can be used to reduce pain, but only after consulting with a dentist. Finally, avoid chewing on the affected area and refrain from using dental floss as it may aggravate the problem.

Signs you should visit the doctor immediately 

Common symptoms and signs of dental emergencies include severe pain, swelling of the face, bleeding from the mouth, a fractured tooth, and severe toothache. Other symptoms that may indicate a dental emergency in Markham include a broken jaw, a missing or loose tooth, or a foreign object lodged in the mouth or gums. If any of the above symptoms are present, seek emergency dental care as soon as possible. Immediate dental treatment is essential in order to prevent further damage and restore the patient’s dental health.

Treatment options for dental emergencies

There are many treatment options available for those suffering from a dental emergency. In the case of a severe toothache, the Markham dentist can provide a root canal or extract the tooth if necessary. The dentist can restore the tooth with a new filling or crown for a lost filling or broken crown. 


If a tooth is chipped or broken, the dentist may use a bonding material to repair the tooth or, in some cases, use veneers to cover the broken area. If a tooth is knocked out, the dentist may be able to save it by reapplying it to the socket and splinting it in place. It is important to seek treatment early to prevent further damage, infection, or decay.

How to avoid dental emergencies

The best way to avoid dental emergencies is to practice good oral hygiene and visit a dentist regularly. Brushing and flossing twice daily, and using fluoride toothpaste, will help to reduce the risk of decay and damage to the teeth and gums. Additionally, it is important to avoid foods and drinks that can contribute to tooth decay. These include sugary and acidic foods. 


Regular dental check-ups can help to identify any issues, such as cavities or gum disease, before they become an emergency. If a dental emergency does occur, it is important to contact a Markham dentist as soon as possible for prompt treatment. Taking these preventative steps can help to avoid dental emergencies and maintain good oral health.


If you find yourself in a dental emergency, book a dentist you can trust at 7 Days Dental for a same-day dental appointment.

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Sharky Liu is the founder and CEO of DentistFind, a results-driven dental marketing platform and marketing service that applies an analytical and data-based approach to increase new patient acquisition for dental practices. 

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